Is this bill for you

Hey all,

I started reading through the bill and my mind decided it wanted to create a flow chart that allowed people to track if/how they would benefit from the proposed bill.  So, I started making one.  If you click on the link above (is this bill for you) it will take you to a pdf version of the document I’ve been working on.

It is very rough (making flow charts in word is ridiculously hard) and really only meant to provide a visual of what a flow chart *could* look like.  I didn’t want to put a ton of effort into an idea that might not be used, so think of this as a prototype.

There are still a lot of qualifications missing from this flow chart: spouses and children of LPR and US citizens, spouse/children/parents of people who managed to qualify for RPI status, individuals who have filed or who qualify for asylum/U Visas/VAWA visas, guest worker permits, agricultural workers, et al.  Again, this is just meant to give a brief idea of how a flow chart could be used to organize the information.

The second page is meant to be used by people who think they will qualify for RPI status.  It outlines some of the basic demands form the bill.



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